A place where anyone can get best satisfaction in their life by getting free food, clothes, medical assistance and homes to make life comfortable. Life becomes more comfortable during the blessed months of Shabaan and Ramzan to get free kapda, bulk zakath, sadqua……no need to work for self and no need to cook meals in home and not even to prepare self’s own tea at home. All to do is take a kettle to the nearest road side tea shop to make them fulfilled with the money they get. If a woman is pregnant, it will be always a free delivery or if a person suffers from health related problems it will always be a free medical care for him / her in visharam. If the baby born to this settled parents is male, it is free khatna for him, free education for him and finally a good job for him. If the baby born is female, free education + marriage arrangements for her with joda ka paisa aur kapda. If a baby is born to that girl, still free medical assistance till chilla ka arrangements for her new born baby. Even her husband gets a local job and settles down in Visharam. If they grow old, no need to worry for any health related issues. All the welfare is there in Visharam to take care of it. What is the last? If anyone dies, free Qabar ka jaga and free kaffen ka kapda……….. Have you ever seen any richest countries of the world giving so much care to its citizens than Visharam?
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