Thursday, May 24, 2012

Is there anyone who can tame Chennai Auto-walas?

I used to travel in auto-rikshaw from auto point to my office which is less than a kilometer. The normal fare till yesterday was Rs.20 as minimum and I will travel in some four particular auto-rikshaw and they are aware where and which gate I want to go. 
Today the regular auto-wala informed me that, since there is a rise in Petron and Oil prices, he will be charging Rs.5 additional to Rs.20. I got angry, since I know him as I travel in his auto regularly, I asked him why not he can gimme a concession as I consider as a previlaged passenger travelling in his vehicle regularly. He said, after taking hard decision he and his co-auto-stand of that locality decided to hike Rs.5 only where as return auto-wals from my office gate are charging Rs.10 additional to that regular Rs.20.
So is the fate of auto-users like me and others. Some three months back, there was Rs.2 hike in petrol price per litre and the auto-walas were charging additonal Rs.5 for just Rs. 2 hike. How foolish they are and to the exitement, much of the regular and non-regular travellers avoided to take auto and started walking to office in the blazing sun. This made the auto-walas to think and return back to Rs.20 a trip even with the price hike in petrol. Will this story repeat again?
Much of the auto-walas are cheater and greedy to grab passengers money. What they need is education to develop ethics to behave humanely. If they're educated, they will bring concept or schemes like banks / telecom service provider giving offfers. Atleast, they will think like Mega-Mart offers like buy to get one free to be implemented in their auto-service like first trip Rs. X and second and consucitive trips Rs. X-(sum amount) or atleast they will try to implement meter fares ethically.

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