I often travel from my home town to Chennai for my work since I joined a automotive company in 2009. Earlier, it was a alternate day visit to lovely home and compulsary return on week-end. The work was less and travelling back home was not hectic.
Since, a fly-over was started constructing in Porur, the bottle-neck zone for Chennai-Bangalore traffic, it frustrated me to reduce my home going from alternate days to twice a week. This continued for a year and my volume of delivery has increased in my office and the scroching temperature makes me difficult in my travel hours. Normally, I take bus that is very comfortable to me. Since, Jaya took CM's office, additional burden was added to my empty thought. Why should I travel in the hot sun with additional bus fare which amout twice of the previous busfare. It is almost morethan 5 or 6 months, people still fight for the bus fare price.
I noticed that the oftenly, bus conductor fradulently charges additional fare form the true fixed fare. Previously, there will be some phone numbers in the buses to call and complaint any grivences against the bus conductor and driver in all the routes. What I noticed that, it has been removed and can't notice in any of the buses including Volvo buses.
What to do and how to bring solution for this. The best idea is to highlight the complaint / grivences assistance number to be displayed in the travel fare receipt. The transport management authories introduced new electronic ticket dispensing system. I suggest, the ticket receipt paper should list the numbers to contact the grivences / complaint number in the front side or back side of the tickets. This will help solve lot of problems in unconfortable journeys.