Thursday, July 3, 2008


Most people think of the immune system as being only involved with defending our body against invading pathogens e.g. Bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi etc. This envisaged perception is quite accurate in terms of prime function, but there is more to our immune systems job description than purely defence. It is also part of the issue cleanup and detoxification system - very important when it comes to protection against potential rogue cells that have the propensity to evolve into malignancy.

Organs of The Immune System All immune cells are originally produced in the Bone Marrow. The bone marrow produces stem cells from which either mature immune cells are formed, or immature cells that are released for maturation elsewhere. The other organs of immunity are the Thymus Gland, the Spleen, and the Lymph Nodes. The thymus gland is mainly a manufacturing organ, as compared to the spleen and lymph nodes being organs of activation and filtration. Lets Look at a Typical Immune Response (and the cells involved) Step-by Step Process.

  1. A virus makes its way into the body and is first detected by an antigen-presenting cell (APC), (usually either a macrophage or dendritic cell). Antigens are cells or parts of cells that activate an immune response.
  2. The APC presents the antigen to either a B-cell or a T- cell.
  3. On presentation to a B-cell, there is a mass proliferation of antibodies coded to bind to that specific antigen.
  4. The antibodies themselves can either destroy the invading virus or pathogen or act as a red flag to signal other immune cells such as granulocytes or leukocytes. These cells produce powerful chemicals that can degrade the virus, bacteria or parasite after they are engulfed by the immune cell.
  5. On presentation of the antigen to a T-cell, the T-cell becomes activated, encoded to destroy that specific antigen (virus, bacteria, parasite or tumor cell)

This continuous cycle of immune vigilance requires a considerable amount of energy and keeping in mind that this process never stops,  you can imagine the implications of a lowered immunity.

So What Causes a Lowered Immunity?

Simple answer is - any dietary or lifestyle habit or any activity that exerts physical or emotional stress on the body.

Let's list the major culprits!

  • Poor diet - not enough fruit and vegetables. (too acidic)
  • Not enough water - less that 1.5 liters/day.
  • Too much sugar, coffee or alcohol.
  • Smoking
  • Not enough or too much exercise.
  • Increased or continued emotional stress.
  • Sunburn
  • Extremes in temperatures - too cold or too hot.
  • Not enough sleep/shift work.
  • Lifestyle imbalance - too much work and not enough play.

Interesting isn't it, that similar aggravating factors keep popping up time and time again. Many of the listed stressors above are fairly simply remedied with avoidance, and yet they still remain a common problem in our 21 century lifestyle.

So Apart From Avoidance What Can We Do To Help?

Nutritional Help:

  • Increase fruit and vegetables making sure that you have at least 2 pieces of fruits a day and that 2 meals contain 3-4 different green Yellow/red vegetables.
  • Include nuts and seeds as part of your daily diet. These contain protein, fatty acids, minerals and fibre.
  • Eat adequate protein. This means eggs, fish, and organic chicken and lean red meat. Two serves /day (re meat 2x/week max.)
  • Take the following supplements. Vitamins: C, Beta-carotene, E, and B-complex.
  • Minerals: zinc, magnesium and selenium.

Herbal Help:

  • Adaptogen herbs: Tonic herbs that build resistance to lifestyle stress and can increase energy and immunity - Korean ginseng, licorice root, rehmania, schisandra, siberian ginseng and withania.
  • Immune Tonic herbs: Astragalus, olive leaf, and cats claw.
  • Immune stimulant herbs: Andrographis, echinacea, olive leaf.

You tend to use the immune stimulants in an acute infection and the immune tonics if the deficiency is chronic or you are in recovery after an acute episode.

The bottom line here is that when the immune system is under stress due to poor lifestyle habits etc., the body has to channel a whole lot more energy into that system, leaving the rest of our body in a state of energy deficiency - just the scenario we are wanting to avoid!

Bollywood, fun, friendship, sports and more. You name it, we have it.

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