Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Needs a National Identity Card!

There are a lot of developments happening in India since the Mumbai attack. The same time unwanted events are happenings in almost all the work place and small unnoticed towns. My old pending idea strikes again to contribute to the best of development to my country. My basic idea was to have a single identity card with regular data updates of individual citizens. This single card can be used for multipurpose as used in almost other countries.

The end is that, it reduces all the unlawful act of citizens for making remarks or justice on them based on previous acts. On the same, it will greatly reduce the use of different identity cards like PAN cards, Election Commission Card, Driving License, etc., and also regular updates of who is what and where he / she working, residing will eliminate a lot of problems for both the government officers and the harmonious living citizens.  Expecting the best that someone brings a wonderful plan to the government for better governance and administration to understand the citizen needs and serve to the best of satisfaction.

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